December 09, 2007

Delhi - leave the comforts at home behind

Advice for the new traveler to Delhi: see Humayan's tomb LAST.

Z and I decided to forgo our driver Ishor today, and took an auto-rickshaw instead. A much better idea, since the three-wheeled contraption was much more nimble than a car.

We headed to the Red Fort, a place the guidebooks promised to be a romantic monument of majesty and pomp. Compared to Humayan's tomb, it's a dump. Sure, it's a nice palace, but it's run-down, falling apart, and crowded. I'm sure good ol' Shah Jehan is turning in his grave at the thought of so many filthy commoners scampering through his Royal Quarters, peering at the most personal and private areas of his life.

We then headed to the famous Chandi Chok, a milling, teeming baazar. It was crowded, filthy, and claustrophobic, and I loved it. Ten minutes away, the famous Karim's restaurant awaits the weary traveler, with cheap, delicious kebabs, lamb chops, and tandoori delights. I dare say, Karim's lamb chops were tastier than those at my favorite Pakistani restaurant, Shalimar!

I am now in the "dangerous area" of Pahangarj, where I almost stayed but was dissuaded from staying by many of my colleagues who know Delhi well. Yes, it is dirty, noisy, and chaotic. But it is just like any other backpacker ghetto around the world. That said, I am quite happy with our guesthouse in South Delhi, except for the fact that it is 45 minutes (by cab) from anything!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks for sharing your vacation experiences with us. Seem like both of you are having fun. Enjoy the rest of your vacation and keep us posted.....we'll stay tuned.

7:25 PM  
Blogger Sunset Shazz said...

Let me be the first to wish you a happy birthday, you filthy swiiiiine. Also, how is your digestive system? Everything operating correctly, on time? Stay away from anything sold by a guy named Mukreet...

6:06 PM  

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